Staying Wound Free Using The low Air Loss Mattress
For most of us, our bed is a place of rest at the end of each day. It’s the place where we let go of the stress of our to-do list or the big project that’s due next week and drift off into a sweet slumber. But for patients confined to a bed due to illness or limited mobility, the bed can be a source of anxiety and pain, particularly when pressure wounds arise.
Pressure wounds are soft tissue injuries resulting from constant pressure that leads to lack of oxygen and other nutrients, causing skin cells to die, These wounds are most often the result of sustained pressure, friction, or shear.
A low air loss mattress is a mattress designed to prevent and treat pressure wounds. The mattress is composed of multiple inflatable air tubes that alternately inflate and deflate, mimicking the movement of a patient shifting in bed, never leaving the patient in one position for any extended length of time.
This action relieves pressure under the body - particularly in parts with less padding, like hips, shoulders, elbows, and heels - and helps ensure proper air circulation, helping to prevent, manage, and treat the occurrence of pressure wounds.
Buy the best Low Air loss Mattress here - https://lpmsi.net/