Benefits of Mechanical Patient Lifts and Slings
According to the 2015 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare workers suffer from musculoskeletal disorders at a significantly higher rate than workers in other physically demanding fields such as manufacturing, construction, and mining. A majority of health care workers’ injuries result from repositioning, moving, and assisting patients.
In 2008, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) estimated the costs associated with musculoskeletal-related injuries reported by health care workers to be approximately US $7.4 billion annually. These injuries are expected to worsen as the workforce ages and the obesity epidemic in America continues to raise the average weight of patients. Injuries caused by patient lifting is the primary reason 52% of nurses report back pain and cause another 18% to leave the profession each year.
In a 2004 Washington University study, use of mechanical patient lifts resulted in reductions in injury rates, lost workday injury rates, workers' compensation costs, and musculoskeletal symptoms. Based on the findings of this study, utilizing patient lifts and slings can reduce risks to healthcare workers. Health care institutions can improve worker safety by implementing cost-effective strategies that improve technological devices, worker education, and policy development.
We can assist the healthcare professionals assigned to patient transferring minimize their predisposition to injury. Our Hydraulic Patient Lift (10704), Electric Patient Lift (10702) and Electric Sit-to-Stand Patient Lift can assist the caregiver when maneuvering patients. In addition, we have a comprehensive line of Patient Lift Slings to support and facilitate a multitude of transfers. These slings provide the adaptability and strength to handle patients up to 600 lbs.
In addition, we also offer a Lift Scale (10705) for the Electric Patient Lift to reduce the risks associated transferring patients during daily weight checks.
We also has full line of Trapeze Bars to assist with the repositioning of patients in bed. Available in free-standing (10711) or clamp-on (10711-BR) models, this device assists patients and caregivers in repositioning and transfers in and out of bed. The base on the free-standing model allows placement of a trapeze in conjunction with most hospital bed designs. We also offers a Bariatric Trapeze Bar with Stand (10712). It provides added safety for patients up to 700 lbs.
Patient transfers and positioning is a leading cause of injury and disability in the healthcare industry. It is a well-demonstrated fact that Patient Lifts and Trapeze Bars reduce this risk. We are committed to the safety of our healthcare professionals and can assist facilities in reducing the impact and incurrent cost of injuries related to patient mobility.